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It was an amazing game, I enjoyed playing through it. I can't wait for chapter 2!

Thank you :). It's already in the works. I'm posting updates on my patreon.

This game looks really promising but can you please add another way to download it in android instead of mega since it doesn't work half the time

(2 edits)

I wouldn't say no to a person who wants to play it :). The reason why there's a separate dl link for android is because the code is slightly different. 

Added a mediafire link. You can also get it directly from my patreon.

Great game 

Good job

Thank you :)

Helllo LopaPhi, The story is very realistic and it's so amazing  I can't wait for the next chapter(when will  release?) im really  looking forward for the next scene.

Hey, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'll be releasing something this year. Stay tuned. I'll post updates on my patreon.

This Game is amazing

Hearing this made me glad I started all this.

nevermind. found it

how do i get english?


Great story. I'm looking forward to the next chapter

I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

I am so glad I could find this quite early on, can't wait to see the story progress :)

You did an amazing job, all the very best for future updates. Take care of yourself too

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

Thank you for the reply. I got a question if you don't mind. 

Would there be harem option in future or would it be single dating sim only? 


Yes, there will be a harem option, but I plan to have an ending for each girl if you only want to go for one girl.

Honestly harem option is kinda of the first thought since having a harem in real life is close to impossible so living a dream in these novels kinda a good escape. And since the story is very nice it just makes things sweeter in the end. Tho single dating also has its benefits. The story is written in such a way I feel like I can do romantic stuff and not even know so it's a different approach which interests me and it's something new for me. I have not seen this trope of someone being dunce to romantic things as in not even having an idea of what things means. I am super excited for this story. 

I'm glad you think so. I was actually trying a lot of  new things with this game that I wasn't quite sure if they would be received well. Good to know that the risk paid off.

And yes. I'll be posting status updates on my patreon soon. (Actually later lol).

Mano o jogo MT bom, tem previsão pro capítulo 2?

Thank you! :) . I'll release a chapter before the year ends. I'll provide progress updates on my patreon.

An amazing work bro and can't wait to see the next Chapter!!!👍

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

 I'm very satisfied with this game story, what I like the most is Eve very beautiful and nice also forgiving.

Great work lad

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

Definitely looking forward to more of this game. Very entertaining

Glad you enjoyed it :)

(1 edit)

really amazing 🥰🥰 before play game, i'm impressed by Lexi, but after i like Eve more than her😂😂

Glad you enjoyed it :). I hope you'll like the others soon too.


Good luck dude, but this game ain't for me.

You can say that you wrote the MC to be unlikeable early on, in order to make for character growth down the road. It's a good strategy from a writer's point of view.

Why, then, did you make the girls ALSO unlikeable? The ONLY girl in the game that I've met that would have walked away from an IRL conversation with me without a broken nose is Eve.

I could have endured their bitchiness for the opportunity to corrupt and humiliate them later.

The story itself is what is making me quit.

When it was revealed that a girl weighing 92lbs soaking wet, is some kind of terrorist intimidating the little incel MC with merely a look was the end for me.

First of all, the girl apparently brought a gang to school. They beat the former coach into a coma or something. Made all the rest of the members of the team to quit. And terrorized the school to the point that nobody will even discuss the team at all.

And I'm expected to kiss her ass and beg her to be on my team? NO FUCKING WAY!!!

Then, she punched the pussy MC, and he didn't knock her the fuck out. If a woman is gonna throw a punch like a man, she damn well better be prepared to take a punch like a man. (As soon as the "men" of the 21st century figure that out, the number of incels will decrease dramatically) 

So, I took the opportunity to give up the scholarship, go work at Taco Bell, surf PornHub, and plan that BSU mass shooter incident!

You said it was a bad ending. I say it was the best ending that I could hope for. Simply because I can't see a scenario where the MC ends the game with the severed head of every girl on the team in his freezer.

When is the release of part 2?


Already working on Chapter 2. Will post updates on my patreon.

I really love the story, can't wait for the part 2.


Really enjoyed it. Definitely here to stay to play future updates.

Also, found this small typo in the script. It’s at line 7203.


I'm glad you enjoyed it! And yep, fixed just now. Thanks for letting me know.


This is amazing LopaPhi. I'm definitely staying around to see more of this.


Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. And thank you for supporting the project :)

(2 edits)

Updated the game to 0.1.1 with a bug fix for Eve's emoji issue. Added Chinese and Spanish translation as well.




This game is so good  keep up the good work!, man 👍

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!


You know what i really like it, tho it's too short but, I'm waiting bro and i love it <3. When will the chapter 2 will released? 

I'm glad you enjoyed it! As for when chapter 2 will be released, I'll leave updates on my patreon :)

I just finished it. I have to say, I'm very impressed with everything so far. I'm really starving for more content, and it has immense potential, i would love to see some more, i also love the introduction of each heroines and designs 10/10

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

ts has so much potential omg 😭🙏

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!

(2 edits)

Mobile when. It looks so good😭

Edit: (Nvm I'm so fkin blind)


Need  walkthrough pdf

Eve too gorgeous please nerf

You sure you want me to do that? haha

(3 edits)

This game has a huge potential. And may i ask why you dont have a gallery ? 

Looking forward for the updates

   - EVE is the best girl already hands down 

I'll be implementing a gallery feature and more once I release the next update :).

Thanks for playing my little game. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

this game is good, loving it soo far!

Glad you enjoyed it!


Thank you :). Chapter 2 is now work in progress.

希望 可以在年底之前 看见第二章!!

hey, just wanted to say that the game is amazing cant wait for the next chapter!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it! Chapter 2 is now WIP.

(1 edit)

Man, this is one of the best new games I've played. I have so much expectations for this. Can't wait for the next chapter and keep up the good work. Btw  I would like to ask, there is no ntr or any of that in the future right and is there a harem route in this?(I hope there is)


Thanks! And I'll do my best not to let you down.

There is no planned NTR. I have separate endings planned for each girl, as well as a harem end if you decide to romance all girls.

(2 edits)

like the game so far but why is there an emoji on the side and  its stuck and not going away and some scene with lexi text is bug aswell 

Thanks for playing. It's a bug. Supposedly that should've disappeared after Eve's cafe scene. That should be fixed on my next release/bug release.


Following this one closely. I need more and I need it now lol. Amazing job, I'm fully invested in this story!


Glad you enjoyed it!


Hi everyone. Android link has been uploaded. If you find any bugs, let me know on my discord.


this has potential, cant wait for next chapter!

Glad you enjoyed it!


Hello everyone. Thank you all for trying my game out. Discord has been added in the bio. Feel free to come join! I don't bite (Get it? lol).


To give you an idea. It's been 7 years since I've been this hooked to a HS Renpy VN. 

Consider me an avid fan. This is simply amazing.

Wow that sure is big praise! Definitely gave me an ego boost haha. 

Just finished Chapter 1, and I love it!! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Glad you enjoyed it!


Good Game。Hope to have a Chinese translation


Thank you! I hope somebody would be willing to


Looks like it will soon!

Have it already


Thank you! :

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